Christian Family Heritage (CFH) is a religious nonprofit ministry established to encourage and support families through the Godly Encouragement for Moms (GEMS) outreach. This includes the Contact Mom Ministry, GEMS Fellowship groups and audio resources. These ministries have helped thousands of people each year in using Biblical principles and sharing the love of God.
The mission statement is simple: To minister and propagate the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to provide administrative resources through a network of volunteers providing support for biblically principled parenting education consistent with the Christian worldview, including infant and child care.
Contact Moms is a network of Christian moms established to help new moms in the implementation of principles including healthy routines, infant care and nurturing through God honoring principles. The ministry is divided by age groups of the children in order to allow moms to contact women with knowledge of children that age. The Contact Moms are there to minister to all moms through Christ!
GEMS is locally focused through churches to provide fellowship time for moms and build on principles focusing on God and raising children by Gods word. Search the web or contact CFH today to find a group near you to help you find local support in being a parent focused on God in this world we live in today.
CFH also has resources available to purchase including a variety of audio tapes and CDs, a few books, and a newsletter, Along the Way. Topics covered include Biblical perspective for conflict resolution, obedience, homeschooling, honoring and reverencing your husband, mealtime behavior, modesty, time management, and many more. Find it all at